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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a history of 5,000 years. It is an ancient medical system that treats the entire body as an organic whole and believes that all parts are connected with each other by channels and collaterals. Disease is the result of an imbalance of the yin and yang energy in the body. Through the observation of the Pulse, Tongue and consultation, the TCM practitioners employ appropriate techniques such as Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicines, Adult TuiNa (Massage), Children Wellness Tuina and Food Therapy etc. to restore the balance.


There are varieties of natural healing modalities in TCM to spark the individual's innate healing capacity such as Acupuncture, TCM herbal medicine, TCM food therapy etc.


Acupuncture is an ancient technique based on the theories of TCM to treat and prevent a variety of illnesses. It involves inserting and manipulating thin acupuncture needles into specific points (acupuncture points) on the body for therapeutic purposes or mainly to relieve pain.  According to TCM medical theory, acupuncture points are situated on meridians through which Qi, the vital energy, flows throughout the body. 


Herbal medicine is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Herbs are prescribed holistically according to the patient’s individual condition (not only on the basis of current symptoms). Herbal medicines are used to regulate the natural balance of the body and restore health. They come in the form of pills, powders, tinctures and raw herbs taken internally or as balms for external use. Chinese herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat most health conditions and as a preventative dietary supplement. They can also be used safely in conjunction with many western therapies.


TCM medication and/or Acupuncture corresponding/combine to restore a body’s balance thereby restoring health. They are beneficial and complementary in improving the medical conditions as well as in the prevention of various illnesses. Conditions that may be helped by TCM include the following:

  • Pain (e.g. Sciatic pain, Lower back pain - lumbago, Knee pain, Heel pain -Plantar Fascitis, arthritis, stiff finger etc)

  • Stiff neck & shoulders, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow

  • Anxiety, burnt out, stress out

  • Headaches and Migraine

  • Post Stroke Symptom/Neurological disorder,Bell's Palsy etc

  • Vertigo (giddiness)

  • Fatigue, Insomnia

  • Digestive disorder

  • Constipation and diarrhoea

  • Gynaecology / women’s health

  • Hot flush

  • Sinus, Flu, cough, phlegm

  • Stop addiction (e.g. smoking)

  • Sub-Health Conditions

  • Overall wellness maintenance

acupuncture toowoomba, traditional chinese medicine, cupping,serene ong, chinese acupuncture


Serene received her full time Professional Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist and Acupuncturist training with the Singapore College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SCTCM).


Upon completion of her Professional TCM training, Serene worked in various well known and established TCM community clinics in Singapore , which include Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institute (SCHMI).

Combination of various Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy techniques can be beneficial and complementary in improving the medical conditions as well as in the prevention of various illnesses. It is a good way to achieve quality healthy living.

Lotus plant (edible lotus plant) has been used in East and South East Asia traditional medicine and cuisine for centuries. All parts of the plant are utilized.

As a Chinese herb, lotus is used mainly for the spleen, heart and kidneys, since they:

  • Tonify Spleen & Kidneys (chronic diarrhea due to deficient spleen, spermatorrhea and leukorrhea due to deficient kidneys)

  • Nourish Heart (excessive dreams, insomnia, forgetfulness, agitation)

  • Help to strengthen the digestive process & stop diarrhea

  • Stabilize essence (lotus seeds strengthen the kidneys where the essence stores, so once kidneys are tonified the essence is strengthened)

  • Calm the spirit-have sedative or calming properties, and are therefore used to treat insomnia or restlessness

Roots The rhizomes(sometimes referred to as roots)  are consumed as a vegetable, usually fried or cooked in soups.






Lotus leaves are used as a flavoring and a wrapper for rice preparations in making dim sum.




Lotus embryos within the seeds is bitter, is primarily used as medicines rather than foods.






Lotus seeds are popular for their nutritional benefits and healing properties. They are commonly used in Chinese medications and also in various recipes.

The astringent properties of lotus seeds make them beneficial for the kidneys. They help to regulate the energy levels of the body.

Lotus seeds are used in Chinese medicine to relieve the problem of diarrhea. They are also used to improve the health of the spleen.




Traditionally, lotus seeds were used to treat people with sleeping disorders such as insomnia. They are also known to be effective in alleviating restlessness. This is due to the natural sedative and calming effects of the seeds.

The most common use of the seed is in the form of lotus seed paste (蓮蓉), which is used extensively in Chinese pastries as well as in Japanese desserts.



Dried lotus seeds must be soaked in water overnight prior to use. They can then be added directly to soups and congee or used in other dishes. Dried lotus seeds cooked in syrup, is a common Chinese snack, especially during Chinese New Year.

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Moon Light In Lotus Pond.

Lotus flower rises from unclean water to blossom as a pure, uncontaminated flower and only show their beauty for a brief amount of time each year.


Throughout many cultures over time, the lotus has been associated with purity,serenity, non-attachment and beauty in different religions.  


The open lotus flower and the unopened lotus bud forms are associated with human traits. The unopened bud is representative of a folded soul that has the ability to unfold and open itself up to the divine truth. It symbolizes potential, specifically of a spiritual nature.

In the same way the lotus flower goes through much in its growth before emerging from dirty water to become a beautiful flower, the individual consciousness does the same on its path to enlightenment as the so-called impurities of unenlightened thinking gradually fade.

As the lotus is pure in the water, so the soul is also pure.

In certain Eastern teachings, the inner awareness — also called the inner heart or the inner mind — is symbolized by the lotus, and is found in the center of the heart. This is also called the lotus flower within.

The heart-lotus or "lotus of heart" is the center of the infinite, omnipresent consciousness which connects with the consciousness of the universe. Through the intuition, one of man's divine gifts, the spiritual student can see the infinite, omnipresent consciousness as the lotus flower within himself.

Australia AHPRA - registered acupuncturist and herbalist

Singapore M.O.H - registered acupuncturist and herbalist

© 2024 Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Darling Downs Toowoomba

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